Discord Rules


Discord Rules

Last Revised: February 3, 2024

Please note that the rules below apply to any behavior on this server: this includes your profile picture, Discord status, or disruptive game titles.

Be nice or leave!

  • No personal attacks, offensive language, harassment, witch-hunting, sexism, racism, hate speech, religious/political discussion or other disruptive behaviour.
  • Also applies to voice chats. Disruptive behaviour in voice includes voice changers, soundboards, extremely loud noises, etc.
  • Do not ping/mention users who are not currently engaged in the chat unless they’re okay with it
  • Do not impersonate anyone — including admins, mods, LOE staff, LOE employees, or anyone else
  • Do not act as if you can carry out staff actions if you’re not part of the staff team.

No offensive or otherwise inappropriate nicknames or profile pictures

  • This includes blank or invisible names and excessive use of noisy or unusual Unicode characters

Don’t spam

  • Includes excessive amounts of messages, emojis, capital letters, pings/mentions, etc.

NSFW content is NOT allowed

  • NSFW = Not Safe For Work, i.e… porn, gore, suggestive content, etc.

Use the appropriate channels

English & Hindi, please

Keep all discussion in text channels and general voice channels in Hindi & English

Follow the Privacy & Secuity

  • Do not share or promote cheats/hacks
  • Trading, selling, begging, boosting and account sharing are not allowed
  • No scam links, URL short, IP grabbers, etc.

Spoilers must use spoiler tags and be labelled

  • Generally, applies to spoilers regarding recent/upcoming movies, games, series, etc.
  • Example of a labelled spoiler tag: Star Wars spoiler: darth vader is Luke’s father
  • Unlabelled or mislabelled spoiler tags will be removed

Listen to server staff

  • If a moderator tells you to stop doing something, stop it
  • Don’t tease any admin/mod/manager for his power or anything. that’s Officials decision.
  • Don’t argue about mod decisions in chat. If you’d like to discuss or dispute a decision, please message @DM ME.

In addition to these rules, the moderation team reserves the right to remove messages and users from the server that are detrimental to the discussion and community. Since this is the first page you are seeing, ignorance of the rules does not excuse breaking them.

This server follows the Discord Partnership Code of Conduct: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024871991

The server moderators and admins are Official members of LiveOfficial Esports — this is a community-run server

Need to talk to the mods or want to report something? DM ModMail! When you message, an available mod will be with you shortly. If reporting, please include all relevant information (name, discord name, why reporting, any links) so that we may handle the issue promptly.

Every Words Matter

Feedback should be clear, straightforward, and understandable.

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