
The LiveOffiical Esports Platform is updated frequently by developer with new functionality and products to better suit your needs. We will be documenting all changes made to the platform’s products via this resource and the @creativealtmg Twitter account.

To subscribe to updates, please “Turn on notifications” for @liveofficiales.

Feb, 2024

  • Affiliate program and dashboard
  • Tournament Page
  • Security Page
  • Podcast Page

Feb 16th, 2024

  • New: Added Security Page
  • New: Added Tournament Page
  • New: Added ALPS Page
  • New: Added Partner Program
  • Update: Important Plugin
  • Update: Help Center Page
  • Fix: Reported Bugs

Jan 21st, 2024

  • New: Added Testimonials Page
  • New: Added All Testimonials Pages
  • New: Added Order Tracking
  • Fix: Minor Bug Fixed

Jan 17th, 2024

  • Updated: The templates of WooCommerce 8.5
  • Updated: Show a telegram icon with a menu link to on the social menu
  • Fixed: Improve the style of variation swatch images on the single product page
  • Fixed: Improve the style of Department Menu level 2
  • Fixed: The filter cannot be applied when there are no products
  • Fixed: Display bullets to navigate the product gallery on mobile devices.
  • Fixed: Double slashes in links to JS files in Razzin Addons
  • Fixed: Some minor bugs in CSS
  • New: 2.0.1 to 2.0.8 has been skipped because all updates have been included in v2.0.

Jan 17th, 2024

  • New: 2.0.1 to 2.0.8 has been skipped because all updates have been included in v2.0.

Jan 16th, 2024

  • New: Add the Product Loop Standard button on hover with Alignment Left
  • New: Add a Product Listing element
  • New: Add a Product Listing 2 element
  • New: Add a Product Brands element
  • New: Add a Product Deals 3 element
  • New: Add AJAX loading for the paginating product reviews on the product page.
  • New: Add a new option to show product filter content on mobile in Appearance > Customize > Mobile > Product Catalog > Catalog Filter Content.
  • Update: Refresh the page header when filtering categories on the blog page
  • Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 8.0.2
  • Fix: Related column for mobile
  • Fix: The video thumbnail doesn’t show on the product page
  • Fix: Create password field not full width on the checkout page
  • Fix: Error on the add to wishlist
  • Fixed: The thumbnails in the product gallery are not displayed
  • Fix: Compare and Wishlist functionality is not working with AJAX load
  • Fix: Some minor bugs
  • Fix: Cache the main style and script of the theme.
  • Fix: AJAX Add to cart doesn’t work in the single product
  • Fix: Product variation gallery doesn’t work
  • Fix: Product image lightbox does not close on mobile devices.


Oct 1st, 2023

  • New: Add a new option to change the format date for the blog
  • Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.8.0
  • Update: Esports Recruitment
  • Fix: Can’t hide the search bar on mobile

May 12th, 2023

  • Fix: Free Shipping Bar doesn’t work with coupons
  • Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.7.0

May 5th, 2023

  • New: Add a new option to Allow HTML in the Taxonomy Description
  • New: Add a new option to set default the background color for the custom badge
  • Fix: The rating doesn’t work with PHP 8.2
  • Fix: Remove the header bar

April 2nd, 2023

  • New: Add a new option to show the empty star on the product page
  • New: Compatible with the Mailpoet plugin
  • New: Add a new option to show a custom badge with other badges
  • Fix: Taxonomy Description Content shows both locations: above and below the product list.
  • Fix: Department’s custom border colour doesn’t work
  • Fix: Duplicate the qty input
  • Fix: The rating shows wrong on the product loop
  • Fix: The categories top is not full width on mobile
  • Fix: Continue Shopping is hidden when changing the shipping
  • Fix: Search box auto filter
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

March 13th, 2023

  • Update: Compatible with Elementor 3.11.0
  • Update: Improve the single product gallery and rating style on mobile
  • Fix: The navigation doesn’t work with the product tabs carousel
  • Fix: The sort-by doesn’t work after filtering
  • Fix: The term description position on mobile
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

January 28th, 2023

  • Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.3.0
  • Testing: Affiliate Program Page
  • Fix: Payment gateway – Paytm, Cashfee

January 1st, 2023

  • Fix: Duplicate the wishlist in the single product
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

December 30th, 2022

  • Fix: Duplicate the title in the Products Carousel with Thumbnails
  • Fix: The video popup doesn’t work in the quick view
  • Fix: Compare, Wishlist don’t appear on the Navigation Bar

December 25th, 2022

  • New: Support product deals on the variable product
  • New: Add a new option to disable the out of stock in the product elements
  • New: Compatible with WCBoost – Compare

December 21th, 2022

  • New: Help Center page added
  • Update: All Modules updated from feedback or report
  • Update: Meta – color for date month/year dropdown
  • Fix: Paytm Gateway
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

December 12th, 2022

  • New: Updated New Framework for Podcast page
  • New: Updated New Framework for Tournament/Scrims page
  • New: Updated New Framework for Security page
  • New: Add Live Sales Notification feature
  • Update: Frequently Bought Together supports the variable products and discount feature.
  • Fix: The Department menu is not closed when sticky header
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

November 2nd, 2022

  • New: Add product page layout v6 – boxed
  • New: Redesign Wishlist
  • Update: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.0.1
  • Update: Use Enable breadcrumbs function option to enable Rank Math breadcrumbs and disable the theme breadcrumbs
  • Fix: Product thumbnails slider doesn’t work on the Recently viewed products

October 19th, 2022

  • New: Framework updated
  • New: Add LOE Brands Grid element
  • Fix: Delay between transitions in the slider, products carousel elements
  • Fix: The sticky header background doesn’t work with the custom header background.
  • Fix: Add to cart button doesn’t show in the product loop v8
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

September 27th, 2022

  • New: Added new integration for future updated related some new products
  • New: Add new option to show newsletter popup on homepage only
  • New: Compatible with Rankmath plugin
  • Fix: Navigation icon is broken on mobile

September 26th, 2022

  • New: Added new integration for future updated related some new products
  • New: Add a new option to show the arrows, and dots for the upsells products carousel
  • New: Add a new option to hide the stock label in the single
  • New: Add a new option to show the navigation bar name under the icon
  • New: Add a new option to order by product categories tabs in the catalog toolbar
  • New: Add Custom Text 2 for the topbar
  • Update: Woocommerce templates
  • Fix: Sticky header background when enabling auto background option in the single
  • Fix: The sidebar doesn’t work in the catalog toolbar v3
  • Fix: Double down arrow in select box of forms

September 15th, 2022

  • New: Added new integration for future updated related some new products
  • New: Add the product gallery arrow on mobile
  • New: Add a new option to display empty stars in the product
  • New: Add a new option to reset the cart before buying now
  • Update: Add format content for the tab content
  • Update: Core Plugin updated
  • Update: Some Integration has been updated
  • Fix: Some bugs in CSS

September 9th, 2022

  • New: Updated to WordPress 6.0.2
  • Update: Cache & SEO 

August 19th, 2022

  • New: LOE Wallet
  • New: Login with Social Network – Discord, Facebook and Google
  • Update: Paytm, Cashfree, Razorpay Payment Gateway
  • Fix: Other Reported Bugs

August 9th, 2022

  • New: Add new image for mobile in Banner element
  • New: Add page header background for each brand.
  • New: Add Discord social to the Social widget
  • Update: Add email and WhatsApp icon to the footer social
  • Update: Razorpay Payment Gateway
  • Fix: Menu anchor link does not work
  • Fix: Custom Product Tabs doesn’t work with some language
  • Fix: Custom related products don’t work on the pop up cart

July 20th, 2022

  • Update: Some Various Plugins

June 28th, 2022

  • Update: Core Plugin
  • Fix: Some CSS Bugs 

June 25th, 2022

  • Update: Initial Release 

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