We are

India's Best Growing Esports Community

Connect with gamers, developers and improve efficiency with our featured platforms.

+500 Projects done

Dolores et ea rebum vero eos et accusam et kasd justo duo.

Our organization is a collective of amazing people striving to build delightful community.

We’re working at the cutting edge of entertainment, gaming, sports performance and tech, and shaping the industry with every move. Read on to find out more about our values, what it’s like to work at LiveOfficial Esports, and hear directly from our team.

Current Update

June 25th, 2022

  • Update: Initial Release 

Future Update

  • Testimonals Page
  • All Testimonals Pages
  • Order Tracking
  • LOE Wallet
  • Login with Social Network – Discord, Facebook and google
  • Referral program
  • Rewards & Points
  • Name Your Brands 
Our team

We Build our Knowledge of our experience.

LiveOfficial is home to passionate people who value our mission—giving you the power to create belonging in your life.

We are hiring

All of our values help us make a better product, better decisions, and foster a better work environment. 


Ashish Saini
Founder & CEO
Neeraj Verma

Refund Reason